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We are very pleased to have been able to participate in the exciting “Heros of Data & Privacy” event. Our presence at the event gave us the opportunity to showcase our innovative solutions for protection against bots and our DSGVO-compliant technology., provider of the privacy-compliant captcha solution, is pleased to announce its partnership with kronehit. kronehit, one of Austria’s largest private radio stations, has selected as its preferred captcha solution.
Captchas are nowadays a method of verifying human identity when using websites and services on the Internet. The acronym “Captcha” stands for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”.
Captcha technology has become an important tool to protect websites from spam and abuse. Captchas require users to perform a specific task before they can perform an action or access a specific page. The tasks can range from solving a simple math problem to identifying images or audio files. In this article, we will look…
Captcha preventively protects against unauthorized access using the latest security technologies. celebrated its premiere at this year’s WordCamp Vienna. The Wordpress community meets there every year in Vienna to inform themselves about the latest trends and to exchange ideas.