Captcha Plugin for TYPO3

Next-level protection. Easily integrated.

Effectively safeguard your site against bots and spam

Add an extra security layer to your TYPO3 site with Easy to integrate and fully GDPR-compliant, our next-level captcha solution for TYPO3 helps you keep spam and bots at bay with just one click – no more puzzle-solving or box ticking required.

How to add a captcha to TYPO3

Safeguard your site against unwanted traffic: Our sleek and powerful captcha plugin for TYPO3 is the ultimate solution to effectively protect your forms against spam and bots – all with just one user-friendly click. Here’s how to set up the plugin for TYPO3 PowerMail and Forms in a few simple steps:

Add captcha to TYPO3 PowerMail


composer req captcha-eu/typo3-powermail



plugin.tx_captchaeu.publickey = 6LdsBBUTAAAAAKMhI67inzeAvzBh5JdRRxlCwbTz
plugin.tx_captchaeu.restkey = 6LdsBBUTAAAAAKMhaaaainzeAvzBh5JdRRxlCwbyyw


That’s it! Your plugin is all set up and ready to use. For added guidance and support, simply head to our detailed documentation. Plus, don’t forget to check out our notes and best practice tips below!

Notes and best practices

1. Make sure you have enabled Spamshield in your PowerMail TypoScript setup:

plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup.spamshield._enable = 1
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup.spamshield.methods.11.indication = 100

2. To receive a notification whenever PowerMail recognizes spam or to create a record in your log files, add this to your TypoScript setup:

# Get an email if spam was recognized = 

# Write to a logfile when spam was recognized
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup.spamshield.logfileLocation = typo3temp/logs/powermailSpam.log

Add captcha to TYPO3 Forms


composer req captcha-eu/typo3




All done! Your TYPO3 form is now protected with captcha. Got any more questions? Our documentation is here to help – including helpful info on how to enable the plugin for Forms in older TYPO3 versions (9, 10) / PHP versions (below PHP 8). Or simply get in touch with our support team via our contact form – we’re always happy to help!

Maximum protection, easy integration, fully GDPR-compliant: Our powerful captcha plugin for TYPO3 is the ultimate solution to safeguard your site’s forms against spam and bots while keeping it user-friendly – no box ticking, no puzzle-solving. Discover the power of now!
